Being Like Bamboo: Time, Strength And Flexibility

Being like bamboo means working our inner selves, investing in resilience and not being afraid to “bend” from time to time: in the end we will return to our position with greater force.
Being like bamboo: time, strength and flexibility

Being like bamboo implies approaching an ancient wisdom inscribed in nature itself.  It is understanding that self-care requires time and patience, and no matter how hard the wind or storm hits us, because we have learned to be flexible and above all, resilient.

It is probable that in the entire plant kingdom there is no plant more striking and full of mysticism than bamboo. There are about 1500 species, and some of them can reach 40 meters in height. There is a variety whose flowers germinate once every 120 years. Furthermore, bamboo is even known to release a high level of oxygen into the atmosphere and in turn absorb more carbon dioxide than many other plants.

Its growth, resistance and its beneficial power for the planet, have made this plant an inspirational reference for multiple philosophical, spiritual and also psychological practices. They say that bamboo lives in a secret code, a unique formula that nature gave it to make it a species as beautiful as it is resistant.

In China, for example, this plant is part of what is known as The Four Nobles . They represent the most special and symbolic species of this culture, those made up of the plum, the orchid, the bamboo and the chrysanthemum. Each of them in turn represents a season, where the bamboo would come to contain the strength, freshness and beauty of summer.

image symbolizing how to be like bamboo

Being like bamboo, the key to happiness

Nature is very often our best inspiration. If the Egyptians built a large part of their cosmogony by observing the stars, their movements, changes and mysteries, perhaps it is time to take our gaze to nature itself to get closer to the authentic meaning of happiness.

Being like bamboo implies taking an example of its characteristics. The same ones that can help us develop two essential dimensions to successfully overcome any difficulty: we speak of resistance and flexibility. Let’s see in detail, however, all those exceptional virtues of this wonder of nature.

Time and patience

Let’s admit it, we are that society allergic to patience. We have become accustomed to immediacy, to that notification that alerts us to a message or news that has already been around the world in less than a minute. We are also those people who go to the doctor for a cold or flu asking for an antibiotic. We want to recover soon, as soon as possible.

We want quick solutions, sometimes forgetting that the body only needs time to reestablish itself, to regain vitality in the midst of these demanding times.

Being like bamboo means investing in patience. It means remembering that this plant takes about 7 years to germinate. During that time your “inner self” works. It conditions its roots, absorbs nutrients and prepares itself. Thus, once it emerges from the ground to the outside to see the light, nothing stops its growth, it is unstoppable and magnificent, sometimes reaching up to one meter in a day.

Butterfly women symbolizing how to be like bamboo

Reach high, everyone’s right

It is often said that we set the limits ourselves. Well, it is clear that sometimes it is not always possible to circumvent certain dimensions or achieve certain objectives. Our society has barriers and filters, conditions that often limit some of our dreams.

Being like bamboo also means remembering that we have the right to grow tall. There may be enemies around, events that block that personal ascent. However, if there is something that we must not lose sight of, it is the immensity of the sky and its range of possibilities, as well as the potential to continue growing every day.

forest symbolizing how to be like bamboo

Flexible and resistant to all adversity

The bamboo can be in a group or alone. It can grow in different regions of the planet, reach 20 or 40 meters in height, form very dense forests or rise as a column with a diameter in its trunk close to one meter. Regardless of your growth or disposition, there is something that never changes: your strength and flexibility.

  • It is even known that they have withstood earthquakes of great magnitude. Moreover, it does not matter that its stems are cut, because being like bamboo implies regenerating, healing and growing again with a superior and unstoppable strength.
  • Those 7 years of growth underground, spreading roots and firmly securing its body, make the miracle of this exceptional plant possible.

Being like bamboo means having a resilient attitude towards life. It implies accepting that adversity can sometimes bend us, however, when our attitude is strong we will undoubtedly return to our original position with greater vigor, with greater beauty and admirable integrity.

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