Anxiety Causes Frequent Dizziness, How To Solve It?

Anxiety causes frequent dizziness, how to fix it?

Anxiety has been found to cause dizziness, among many other symptoms. These dizziness are a particularly annoying sensation: the person may feel that they have no control over their body, that they are overcome by weakness and that they could faint at any moment.

Anxiety is one of the most common problems and one of the fewest borders. Anguish has become the permanent companion of many. Beyond all the emotional discomfort that it causes, all the physical burdens that it produces are also worrying.

Anxiety causes dizziness, which is often accompanied by nausea and even vomiting. It also breaks down the proper functioning of the digestive system, and affects the respiratory and circulatory systems. The problem is that many times we do not realize that these discomforts are the result of anguish and not of another medical condition. That is why we are wrong about the type of measures to take to solve them.

No passion like fear, so effectively robs the mind of the ability to act and reason .”

-Edmund Burke-

woman representing that anxiety causes dizziness

The characteristics of anxiety dizziness

Before knowing why anxiety causes dizziness, let’s first define the concept of “dizziness.” With the name of seasickness, a complex state is known that leads us to feel “as if we were in the sea”. Hence the name “seasickness.” It means that we experience the sensation that we are on a moving surface, like a small boat on the waves.

Dizziness includes a sudden feeling of vertigo, as if balance is compromised. It also feels that the consciousness is dull or that we are in a kind of unreality. We do not feel fully present, but as if we were in a kind of reverie.

All this is usually accompanied by a perception of weakness in the muscles. There is also often blurred vision, slow thinking and a general feeling of discomfort. Dizziness sometimes leads to fainting.

Anxiety causes dizziness

Remember that anxiety is a mental state that also manifests itself physiologically. It is a reaction that appears when we feel that we are exposed to a danger or when we perceive that we may be victims of an attack. Such a reaction appears without that danger or threat actually existing. Despite this, it is experienced as real.

In general, attacks of anxiety in today’s world occur because the environment generates demands that are overwhelming. He is asked more / just what the person estimates that he can give.

It is required to conform to conditions or parameters that exceed or compromise its responsiveness. The person feels assaulted by anguish, as he wants to respond to what is requested and for this he has to make a very great effort. Then anxiety arises.

Sometimes dizziness is a manifestation that anxiety is present and active. They appear after a relatively long period of time in which we have been exposed to stressful situations. Most of the time they appear suddenly, without warning. They are not necessarily related to a current stressful event.

Identify and fix this problem

The difficulty of all this is that dizziness is a symptom that appears in different diseases and conditions. That is why it is difficult to identify anxiety. How do you know if anxiety causes dizziness or is another factor that precipitates it?

To breathe

Nervous dizziness has some characteristics that make it identifiable. Usually the first thing that appears is a strong sensation of muscle tension. Both the rhythm of respiration and circulation are noticeably elevated.

This causes the body to demand a greater amount of oxygen. If this physiological condition remains, the body soon weakens. The muscles lose their strength, the brain slows down and then dizziness appears.

Therefore, when those previous states of great muscular tension and agitation occur, for no apparent reason, anxiety dizziness. The best way to prevent these types of discomforts, or to manage them if they occur, is by controlling your breathing. It is very convenient to use diaphragmatic breathing.

In the same way, it is convenient to work on your thoughts to dispel that tendency to define each situation in catastrophic terms. Anxiety causes dizziness when it is very high. If that is your case, you can read the following article.

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