A Journey Of Maturity Through Your Memories

Exercises in psychology consultations that allow us to mature our emotions are important. Today we will discover one of them.
A journey of maturity through your memories

When we speak of emotional immaturity, we refer to a lack of development in the emotional field. So let’s think of emotional maturity as a process that requires development; the stimulus provided by one’s own relationship with emotions and one’s own learning by overcoming the difficulties that these impose on us.

In addition, another way to stimulate this emotional maturity is found in our memory and its most genuine content: our memories. Today we will talk about this possibility. As Enrique Rojas points out in his article The immature personality , the characteristics that would reveal this type of deficiency are emotional instability, ignorance of herself and lack of responsibility, among other points.

At present, given the enormous amount of material that we have on this subject and of recent generation, we can feel a bit overwhelmed. We can think, “I want to improve my management of my emotions; But where do I start? Who or whom do I listen to? Well, today we bring you a good way to start this journey: simple and valid for everyone.

A journey of maturity

To make this journey of maturity we recommend entering a state of meditation. This is precisely what some therapists do in their consultations. For this, we can be sitting or lying down. We close our eyes and focus on our breathing.

Next, we are going to visualize ourselves walking along a path. There may be many flowers, leaves, or it may be a barren road. The important thing is that we look at everything we see, that we notice the air and the sun warming us from above.

Now, at the end of the road we will visualize a small cabin with a door. We will enter it and discover some stairs that go down. We will head towards them and begin to lower them. From this moment on, we will find three plants.


The room of bad memories

On the first floor there will be a door and, next to it, an elderly person. She will look at us smiling and give us an instruction:  choose one of the memories that we will find. All of them are experiences that have marked us in a negative way.

The options are diverse; most of them will have been with us for a while, but they will be raw; They have accompanied us, but we have not stopped to analyze them. Let’s look closely at the shelves in the room and when we have our object, we will walk out the door.

The room of positive memories

Once we have left, we say goodbye to our friendly doorman and continue down the stairs. Thus, we will access the second floor, where we will find another doorman and another door. In this case, what will be behind will be positive memories.

We will go through the door, we will observe all the memories in the room and we will choose the one that most attracts us or that has the greatest meaning for us. Once we have it, we will go out, say goodbye and continue down the stairs.

Our refuge, the last station of the journey of maturity

In this journey of maturity we will reach the last of the plants. In it we will find … a door. When we pass it, we will be in an idyllic place. For each person it will be different. Nature? Snow? Animals? It is a place where we will be comfortable and that will transmit us a lot of peace.

In the center, there will be a path where we will lie on our backs. At that time, we will remove the souvenirs we collected from our backpack. We will observe them carefully until we realize that both, good and bad, are part of us, of our history.

Once we have been in that space of peace, we will take one last look and return the way we have come. Along the way, we will leave each memory in each room with the corresponding emotion that they have caused in us. We will go outside again, we will go the other way around the path of the beginning and we will open our eyes.

door ajar staircase

Accept our story

What this journey of maturity through memories aims to do is accept what has happened to us, integrate it and help us manage our emotions. It doesn’t matter if we are thirty or forty years old. Our emotions may continue to be those of that hurt eight-year-old boy who suffered so much at the time.

For this reason, it is positive that we take this journey of maturity when we need it. If we have already adopted meditation as a habit, doing it will be much easier for us. If not, we may have some difficulty relaxing and letting ourselves go.

The important thing about all this is that if we need help, we know how to ask for it. Psychologists are at our disposal to help us with exercises like this and many others to grow and solve everything that still hurts us today. Now we are adults, responsible for emotions that we must mature.

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