The Magic Of Having Good People Around You

The magic of having good people around you

The people around us affect us more than we think. Whether we realize it or not, their attitude, the way they speak to us, their perspective on the world, and even their mood all influence us. So it’s smart to have good people around you; Those that, when they are by your side, give you good feelings.

Karl Marx once said: “Surround yourself with the people who make you happy. People who make you laugh, who help you when you need it. People who really care. They are the ones worth having in your life. All the others are passing by ” . These words are a great truth, because after all, who in his right mind would surround himself with people who make him unhappy?

Having good people around you is not as simple as it sounds, but it is not impossible. To surround yourself with the right people, it is important to identify the wrong people and stay away from them.

Identifying good people is also crucial to keep in your life. It is not easy, but when you learn to filter the wrong people, then the right people will come into your life and they will do it naturally.

Clean up unhealthy friendships

Good people for one

Does it make sense for you to try to wear a dress that no longer fits you? The same goes for friendships . Is it worth keeping friends that don’t add anything to your life? It is not a good idea to keep those people who do not make you feel comfortable with you. It doesn’t mean they are bad people, just that they may not be “good people” to you.

Appreciate the fact that you can have great memories with some people, but acknowledge and accept also that some (including you too) change and are best left out of your life or at least not so close emotionally. When it comes to friendships, it is necessary to stick with quality rather than quantity.

It’s like having a closet full of clothes that you don’t wear because they fit you badly, it squeezes you and even hurts you … What’s the use of having so many clothes if it doesn’t help you feel good? It is better to have fewer clothes and that these make you feel good, comfortable and happy. Having a closet full of clothes that does not allow you to incorporate what really makes you feel good is a problem.

Create a filter of toxic and healthy friendships

Mark limits

Nobody wants to lose good friends for making the wrong decisions, so learning to create a filter will help you know who you want in your life and with whom it is better to mark emotional distance. If you can’t physically get away from these people, you can set emotional boundaries that make you feel estranged.

Think about the people who don’t make you feel good, the ones who don’t show you that you are important to them, who make you feel bad with their attitude. Those people who make you feel emotionally tired, those with whom you notice that they steal your positive energy … and assess if you really need them in your life.

This exercise is necessary because it will help you to detect this type of toxic people in the future and you will be able to get away from them as soon as you notice that they do not contribute the same as you do to them. This may seem a bit harsh, but there is no need to feel guilty, it is necessary for your emotional health.

Attract the good people around you

Attract the good people around you

Just as it is necessary to have a filter, it is also necessary to attract good people around you, the right people. The attraction of people to your life is very simple, you just have to be yourself. Once you show who you really are, people who are in tune with your way of being will approach you and, therefore, make you feel good.

Bury the masks that help you pretend to be someone else and the wrong people won’t approach you. Don’t feel compelled to accept a courtesy coffee invitation from someone if that person bores you or just doesn’t interest you. Stop dressing the way you don’t like just to fit in with others.

Say what you feel how you want to say it, behave with others as you feel like doing it and feel your emotions freely. By doing this you will begin to feel free and appreciate true friendship, the one that brings magic to your life. Don’t be afraid to be who you are, be transparent and you will attract real friends.

There is nothing wrong with deciding what good people you want around you, who you want to surround yourself with. Just because some people aren’t right for you doesn’t mean they’re bad people. They can be amazing people, but they don’t fit you.

Image courtesy of Mila Marquis

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