7 Science Fiction Series With A Psychological Touch

We present the titles of 7 science fiction series with a psychological touch that, due to their script and creativity, you can enjoy whether you like fantasy or not.
7 science fiction series with a psychological twist

There are many science fiction series and very interesting. For this reason, we consider it interesting to create this small list with some of the most attractive from a psychological point of view, which are enriching whether you are fond of this section or not.

When we think of science fiction and fantasy, we imagine incredible worlds, dystopian futures, unrealistic stories, etc. However, years ago every creator of television and cinema abandoned these topics and focused on other problems, questioning the role of human beings in the universe, the future of our species, the way to act in serious moments, the way in the one that humanity could mutate according to the circumstances caused by us or by nature, etc.

Science fiction series with psychological touches

We will include, next, in addition to science fiction series, those that include fantastic dyes, vintage in some cases, that have been carried out using the imagination of their creators. Let’s see some of them.

Battlestar galactica

Undervalued in many areas, the modern version shot in the 21st century is a clear example of a series that offers much more than ships, action and mysteries to be solved.

Considered an excellent space opera, throughout its various seasons we meet a group of humans who flee from their colony to return to their home of origin, Earth. Along the way, politics, relationships, paranoia, drama, and powerful reflections on humanity, destiny, and technology and science.

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Born in the Groening factory, this comedic animated series sends a 20th century human pizza delivery boy into the distant future where he can discover how the species evolves long afterward.

Obviously, light- hearted humor is your first choice. However, between irony and self-confidence, there are interesting reflections on the human being, the path chosen by our species and the absurdity of some behaviors that, no matter how the years go by, do not change.

Altered Carbon

It is a Netflix series that, at first, can make those not seasoned in science fiction doubt due to its cyberpunk aesthetic and its excessive violence. But beyond that, there are very interesting reflections.

Once we overcome violence and bloody scenes, we find interesting sources of thought about the chaotic and unequal world, about the direction in which we are heading our lives, about the meaning of everything, and about immortality and mortality.

Stranger things

Another interesting series born from the Netflix factory. In this case, despite the childish and youthful background that transcends action, we find an interesting work in the psychological aspect that plays with our concerns and desires.

Without a doubt, the value of friendship stands out above all else , which in this science fiction series plays a fundamental role. However, we find others such as respect, solidarity and the human capacity to always excel.

The Handmaid’s Tale

This terrible dystopia is based on a book by Margaret Mitchell. It narrates a future country in which an economic elite has been established whose sole purpose is procreation, since the world has a serious birth problem.

It is an excellent series to see how peer pressure can make a woman’s life almost impossible. In addition, the effects of the lack of freedom and movement in a dictatorial and oppressive environment are analyzed .

Game of Thrones

The most successful series in recent years adds a fantastic touch to a human medieval past. It is based on the books of George RR Martin.

Beyond controversy, the series tells the story of several families and focuses, above all, on human ambition, betrayal, the difficulty of dispensing justice in an unjust world and the complexity of governance in violent environments with excess vested interests.

The man in the high castle

One of the series that, along with The Handmaid’s Tale , we can consider among the most disturbing of the moment. It tells the dystopian story of a world in which Nazi Germany and its allies won World War II.

Based on a book by Philip K. Dick, the series plays host to endless speculations. What would a world dominated by Nazi Germans and Imperial Japanese look like ? Would the rest of humanity accept such domination?

To these quality science fiction series we can add many others that remain in the pipeline such as Fringe , Watchmen or The Witcher . All of them offer us worlds that will help us to reflect on essential aspects of life. Enjoy them!

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