7 Phrases To Start New Stages With Hope

The phrases to start new stages with hope are a way to find strength and enthusiasm when we have just closed a phase of our life, and we seek to start something new that offers us the happiness we deserve.
7 phrases to start new stages with hope

The phrases to start new stages with hope give us encouragement. Because existing and seeking happiness implies knowing how to close cycles and open new stages, knowing how to control fears and awaken strengths. You just have to know how to look because new doors are always waiting for us to open on the horizon. And that opportunity to restart is called “today.”

We all remember the famous myth of Pandora’s box. That woman created by Hephaestus and Pallas Athena, was the bearer of a seemingly fearsome present that Zeus wanted to give Prometheus as revenge after having stolen the fire from heaven. That box (or jug ​​according to various texts) contained all the evils in the world. Those that Pandora released out of curiosity.

Now, at the bottom of that box was only one element: hope. This myth has led figures like Friedrich Nietzsche himself to wonder if this dimension was just another evil. Another fatality among all those that the god of Olympus wanted to overturn on humanity.

Now, psychologists like Martin Seligman point out the following. Those fatalities that were contained in the box are nothing more than elements that are part of all life. Aspects such as illness, sadness, disappointment or old age are the threads with which any existence is woven. Hope, for its part, was not and is not an evil. It was a covert gift that Zeus bestowed on humanity.

Pandora symbolizing the phrases to start new stages with hope

7 phrases to start new stages with hope

The phrases to start new stages with hope remind us that we must always look at the bottom of the box. They are a way to find momentum when we believe that everything that surrounds us has the flavor of adversity. There, right in the depths of our hearts is also that delicate present, but full of strength at the same time.

Hope will not make anything we want to happen in the least. What this dimension actually achieves is to give us inner calm, confidence and optimism to face every difficulty in the best way. Only in this way will we generate new changes, only in this way will we allow life to move in the best direction with our attitude.

Let’s now see a series of phrases to start new stages with hope.

1. Be calm, trust

Henry David Thoreau, writer and naturalist, known above all for his anti-establishment ideals and for marking a notable influence on figures such as Gandhi and Martin Luther King. Thus, there was a message that lived at the bottom of all his teachings: the importance of being calm, of keeping control in the worst situations, of being good observers and not losing a critical spirit.

When it comes to starting new stages, and doing it in the best way, it is necessary to maintain internal balance. Only then will we be able to accept everything we have experienced, learn from it and venture into our present in the best way.

2. Fall and get up again and again

Among the best phrases to start new stages with hope is undoubtedly this one from Buddha. With it we can reflect on that lesson that we often neglect. Many of us fear falls. We are afraid of failing or failing in those intense moments when it comes to starting new stages.

However, we forget that it is difficult for those who do not fall to learn. And that the really strong person is not the one who resists the most, but the one who is able to get up again and again having clear objectives, without neglecting the opportunities that may appear along the way.

Woman from behind

3. Cultivate enthusiasm, motivation, your ability to dream

If we lose our ability to dream, to get excited about life, we lose everything. Because to maintain hope and promote advances that are in tune with our needs, it is best to learn to watch. At the end of the day, those who focus only on daily work, on pressures and routine tasks, loses perspective.

Life is like a huge ocean. Only when we raise our faces to the horizon or the starry sky, are we aware of that freedom and of all the possibilities that surround us.

4. The change is you, it is inside you

Another phrase to start new stages with hope is this very valuable one by Stephen Hawking. In it, he reminds us that life itself is hope and that there is always something within our reach that we can do to change our reality.

We must therefore understand that the real key to happiness and change is us. We have life, we have strength, we are guided by the need to achieve better things … Let’s trust a little more in our abilities and put into practice a plan, the change we need.

girl looking at the sky symbolizing the phrases to start new stages with hope

5. Forbidden to give up

Whoever keeps the muscle of hope strong never gives up. It is clear that there will be battles that no longer deserve to be fought; however, you don’t have to retreat the first time. We must cultivate persistence and that faith of someone who tries again and again, who seeks new routes, new approaches and uses a creative mindset and a challenging heart.

Sometimes the best achievements are just one step away, just one more breath away. Sometimes they are further away and we have to arm ourselves with new resources or tools before we are in a position to achieve what we would like. Distinguishing one situation from another is not easy, but staying calm will always give us a clearer vision of what is really happening.

6. Every ending represents a new opportunity

Life is full of cycles, which begin and end. In this way, it is a fact that we will experience many beginnings and endings. But, we do not experience all endings in a pleasant way. On the contrary, we go through them with much suffering and pain.

Now, feeling bad when a stage ends is not bad. The mistake is to assume that there will no longer be anything similar and that we will not feel whole again. This prevents us from realizing the range of possibilities that open before a closure.

The end of a painful cycle can be ending a relationship, being fired from a good job, going bankrupt, etc. In these circumstances, it is common to perceive that the world is over for us. But, what we do not know is that the possibilities that are presented are diverse and, if we are able to take them, we can reach an even better state than the previous one.

7. In every change there is always fear

The new always causes us fear, because it is a window to the unknown. However, if we allow ourselves to be carried away by fear, we will never achieve our potential.

How many opportunities will we be missing out of fear of failure? We emphasize the importance of facing new challenges and leaving the comfort zone. Only in this way will we progress in life.

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