6 Phrases You Should Dedicate To Yourself

How you talk to yourself influences your self-esteem and your mood. Discover some phrases that should not be missing in your inner dialogue.
6 phrases you should dedicate to yourself

How many times have you waited for someone else to approve of you, recognize you or understand you and have you been disappointed because those words you were hoping for have never come? Actually, those are phrases that you should dedicate to yourself, because you are the most important person in your life and you cannot depend on the actions of others to feel good.

Cultivating a relationship with yourself is a process. It consists of changing the way you look at yourself, speak to yourself and treat yourself. Possibly over the years you have hurt, tried and betrayed yourself on multiple occasions; however, you have time to repair the damage. If you don’t know where to start, the following phrases can offer you a starting point.

Phrases that you should dedicate to yourself

Woman with eyes closed


I feel all the times that I was hurt, with my thoughts, words and actions. Sorry for being the most ruthless judge, the harshest critic. For all the times I looked in the mirror and only criticism and rejection came to mind.

I am sorry for the bad habits that I have or still maintain that damage my body and mind. I am sorry that I have prioritized other people and have forgotten my needs, wants and preferences ; having kept quiet when they disrespected me and stayed in harmful environments and relationships.

I forgive myself

I forgive myself for all the mistakes made, understanding that I did the best I could in every moment. I recognize that, perhaps, I did not have the knowledge or the tools that I now have, that before I could not see the situations as I see them now. I forgive myself because I know that I am not guilty of what happened, but responsible for learning from it. I release myself from those burdens and allow myself to move on.


I thank myself for having come this far, for being who I am today. Thank you for having overcome the pain, fear and sadness; for having gone ahead giving my best. I thank myself for my perseverance, my courage and my strength. I acknowledge and value every one of my good deeds, even if they were not perceived or rewarded by anyone. I saw them, I see them and I am grateful for all the kindness, compassion and generosity that I have given over the years.

I can

I am a valuable and capable person, I have the qualities and the determination necessary to achieve what I propose. Even though I feel fear and insecurity at times, I can try; And if I make mistakes, I can accept them and improve. I am as valid as anyone else, I have everything I need to work on my goals and achieve them.

I am with me

I depend on other people, but I am also autonomous on many levels. I enjoy, value and appreciate the company and affection that others can give me but I don’t need it because I have myself unconditionally. I am with me when I triumph and when I fall; in my happy moments I celebrate, in my sad days I hug myself, and if I am irritable I understand myself. I am my best friend, my greatest support and my safe place. I can always count on me.

I accept myself

I accept myself as I am, with my strengths and weaknesses. I allow myself to see myself without filters, to contemplate my lights and my shadows and all this does not prevent him from accepting me. I estimate my worth here and now. And because I respect myself, I select the words with which I speak to myself and the harshness with which I judge myself.

smiling woman looking at mirror

Use these phrases that you should dedicate to yourself to improve your relationship with you

All these phrases that you should dedicate to yourself can help you improve your self-esteem and your self-concept, having a direct and positive impact on your life. Some of them you only have to say once : for example, it is not necessary that every day you remember all your mistakes, acknowledge them, forgive yourself and move on.

Others can serve as encouragement at specific times. When faced with a novel or threatening situation, you will need to hear “I can”; And when you are going through moments of sadness, remembering “I am with me” will provide you great comfort.

However, other phrases can become a mantra for your life. Feeling gratitude for who you are, accepting yourself, and being grateful for the good fortune can cause a significant change in your attitude and your mood. Therefore, use each of these statements whenever you feel necessary.

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