5 Inspirational Quotes On Forgiveness

“Love and forgiveness go hand in hand.” There are quotes full of wisdom and inspiration that are worth keeping in mind on life’s journey. Here are some small examples …
5 inspirational quotes about forgiveness

Not forgiving is not healthy. Putting away the pain and anger caused by an offense that someone did to you is not easy, but it is necessary to overcome it and forgive to move on. Not forgiving and holding a grudge causes tension to build up, causing stress and deteriorating relationships. And not only with whoever offended you, but also with the rest of the people.

On many occasions, problems arise due to minor issues, many of them derived from communication problems. Other times the problem is more serious. In any case, whether the other regrets it or not, forgiving is the best thing you can do for yourself.

Forgiveness is a liberating tool

Forgiveness is a powerful tool, but many people fail to understand how liberating it can be to forgive others. Forgiving takes a burden off you and does not leave you at the mercy of anger and the need for revenge, which frees your mind and allows you to make thoughtful and conscious decisions.

Chest with a heart

Forgiving allows you to take control of the situation and, far from putting you in a position of weakness, it places you in a situation of power: power over yourself.

Thoughts that will inspire you to forgive the other

Despite everything, sometimes we need a push to forgive. Drawing on the inspirational thought of another can be very helpful in times of difficulty.

What done is done

Do not insist on ruminating what happened. What done is done. It no longer has a remedy, and it will not change no matter how much you think about it. When something bad has been done, the only thing left is to forgive it so that we can move on and make amends for what we can.

Forgive to be forgiven

We cannot fall into the error of thinking that only we have to forgive others. We are not perfect, and sooner or later we will offend someone, do something wrong, or, by default, cause pain to others. We cannot demand to be forgiven if we are not capable of doing the same ourselves for others.

You never know what will happen

Along the lines of the previous quote, this thought goes a step further. It is no longer just a matter of forgiving in order to be forgiven, but of facilitating relationships with others, because you never know when you will find them along the way or when you will need them.

Love and forgiveness go hand in hand

True love has forgiveness as its flag. Relationships are not easy, whatever their nature. And the narrower they are, the more likely you have to forgive something. If there is no forgiveness, the relationship is doomed. If you love, you forgive.

Heart drawn in the sand

Forgive in order not to pay the consequences of the actions of others

Forgiving is a selfish act. It is you who carries the pain of anger and the thirst for revenge, with resentment and even with remorse. But by forgiving the other, all of that vanishes. Therefore, when the other does not regret it is when it is most necessary to forgive.

Forgiving without forgetting is not forgiving, it is letting it go

Many say: “I forgive, but I do not forget.” That is not forgiving, but rather letting it pass to promote coexistence. But at the core of forgiveness is forgetting the offense. If you do not forget, sooner or later the ghosts of resentment and mistrust will assail you. 

If you don’t want it to happen again, just make changes in that relationship or in your life so it doesn’t happen again. But do not lock up hatred and resentment in a jail to get it out when you need them, because they are very elusive and can sneak through the bars when you least expect it.



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