5 Effective Methods To Combat Anxiety

5 effective methods to combat anxiety

Anxiety is one of the most common psychological illnesses in the world, accompanied by stress and depression, today. Due to the large number of people affected with this disorder, a series of studies have begun to be carried out to be able to combat anxiety and overcome it in an effective and lasting way.

I invite you to breathe and give yourself a moment of calm to read how to win the battle against anxiety. With the methods and tips that we provide below, it is possible to learn to put it in its rightful place, in our day-to-day life.

For this, it is essential to remember that we can choose the thoughts and emotions that will help us to enhance our own tools , without having to suffer from this disorder. Taking this into account will make it easier for us not to become slaves of our own emotions and learn to manage them positively, to our benefit.

What are the 5 most effective methods to combat anxiety?

These five tools can be very useful to combat anxiety and, more importantly, to overcome it permanently.

1. Perform physical exercise

Woman exercising to combat anxiety

The practice of physical exercise allows us to free and clear our mind , thus focusing solely on physical aspects such as breathing and the sensations produced by the activity that we are doing.

Jasper AJ Smith, professor of psychology at the University of Texas at Austin, says that physical activity helps us disconnect from all the worries or “headaches” that are the source and focus of anxiety.

If we do a constant practice of physical exercise in our day to day, we can reduce anxiety by 50%, making it one of the most effective and healthy methods to combat anxiety.

2. Cognitive behavioral therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the schools of psychotherapy, which allows us to have a specific and clear idea of ​​all the characteristics and consequences that anxiety can cause us .

If we are encouraged to start this type of therapy and we want to enjoy all the advantages that it can provide us, it will be necessary to receive at least one hour a week of it, for 3 or 4 consecutive months. In it, we will learn the importance of our thinking and how it affects how we feel and what we do.

3. Fight anxiety with meditation 

Woman doing meditation by the sea

Thanks to the study carried out by the researcher at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Fadel Zeidan, it has been found that anxiety deactivates the areas of the brain that are responsible for generating and properly managing thought. Hence, one of the main characteristics of anxiety is losing control of oneself very quickly and easily.

Professor Zeidan proposes meditation as a method not to “disconnect” and keep our emotional control balanced.

4. Take care of your sleep

Numerous studies and investigations have affirmed that insomnia and sleep disorders constitute one of the main sources of anxiety. If we do not enjoy a good quality and time of sleep, we will be activating the areas of the brain responsible for the production and management of anxiety. 

It is common to perceive in people who suffer from insomnia the presence of a high degree of anxiety. To avoid this situation, it  is advisable to enjoy 8 hours of continuous sleep  with a good established schedule.

It is also good to consider foods that do not facilitate good sleep, such as sugar, saturated fat and caffeine. Sleep and personal rest is one of the most important and necessary methods to combat anxiety.

5. Practice yoga

Woman practicing yoga

Meditation and relaxation facilitate and improve our mood. Therefore, one of the most recommended activities that allows us to enjoy these healthy characteristics is the practice of yoga. 

Yoga allows us to lower anxiety levels , since its performance stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which allows us to properly manage relaxation and its effects on our body and our mind.

To enjoy its characteristics and work properly on anxiety, experts recommend 3 weekly sessions for 12 weeks.

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