5 Buddhist Tips To Educate Our Children

5 Buddhist tips to educate our children

Eastern philosophy and the advice of Buddhism are beginning to be clear references in Western culture. His way of seeing life promotes a balance that we miss. It is the union of our emotional forces that guarantees success in life.

So, since in Western culture other values ​​are promoted that disconnect us from the private and collective interior, the advice of Buddhism brings us closer to exploring our emotions.

In this sense, it is clear that we all want children to be happy and to grow up healthy and stimulated. Starting from this base, we can take certain attitudes that encourage this to be a reality and not an impossible one. Let’s see, then, what advice we can take from Eastern Buddhist philosophy to achieve this.



The 5 key Buddhist tips to promote child well-being

There are up to 5 Buddhist tips that can be applied in childhood to promote child well-being. Putting them into practice will lead to a visible change for the whole environment.

1. Smile at them so that they appreciate the sparkle in our eyes

The act of smiling at a child who intends to interact with us is practically instinctive. What happens is that in the rush and daily chores we forget this important point and stop addressing them in an approving way.

As a consequence, our children stop feeling recognized and, therefore, disconnect from themselves with amazing speed. Let us reflect on it and we will realize that there was a time, already distant for us, in which we stopped looking up in amazement and admiration and began to look for other things.

2. Normalize and validate your negative emotions and feelings

What promotes a negative state of mind in us can come to dominate us. Boredom, jealousy or anger are emotions and feelings that come naturally. We cannot punish this, so we have to emphasize the fact that it is not wrong to feel this way, but that we must learn to channel it.

Buddha with butterflies

3. The key is to untangle your thoughts

“Control your thoughts” (Buddha). The thoughts are in our mind, they are chaos and it is important to untie them. They come and go without any meaning. They, like adults, invent things or interpret them, letting their thoughts fly by themselves.

Let’s give children natural resources with these Buddhist tips, let them make and get out of those states by modeling their imagination and their resources. Let’s teach them that it is better to take a piece of paper than to put on the TV to get out of their boredom and that in them is the possibility of creating wonderful things.

Fragile child with tiger


4.Let them set words and rules

For them to learn to control them and assume their value, it is important that they put words and rules around them. This helps them to be more aware, as our minds are often full of nonsensical words and rules. That is why it is necessary for them to learn to think about what is necessary and to speak according to their vision of things so that what they live with makes sense.

5.If you neglect and forget the spirit, other things will take its place

To adapt these tips to the education of our children we cannot forget that we preach by example. So we begin to wander in a constant search for pleasure and security, in a continuous flight from fear, pain and discomfort that does not allow us to feel at peace, we will teach our children to do the same.

buddha cat

The  word Buddha  comes from  budh , which means “awakening”, so Buddha means “the Awakened”. A Buddha is someone who has fully awakened, as if coming out of the deepest sleep, and has discovered that he no longer suffers, that suffering has only been a bad dream. Everyone, including children, can get out of this nightmare, trying “to do nothing but good, avoid any harm to others and purify the heart.”

Do you dare to put these Buddhist tips into practice?

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