35 Phrases By Gabriel García Márquez To Always Remember Him

35 phrases by Gabriel García Márquez to always remember him

Gabriel García Márquez was a sagacious and committed man with the world who managed to stand out for his playful, fun and transgressive style, which turns the reader’s wishes and desires into wonder.

Known as Gabito or Gabo, he was a touching and charismatic man who did not escape controversy because of his friendship with the Cuban leader Fidel Castro or his fights with Mario Vargas Llosa, another great of Hispanic literature. His works are full of phrases and passages that fill us with intense emotions that shake our conscience.

Quotes by Gabriel García Márquez

Today we bring you a selection of the best phrases by Gabriel García Márzquez in recognition of his greatness, a tribute to his dedication and the delights that he makes us savor through his reading.

1- Love is eternal while it lasts, (I just came to talk on the phone).

2- I have always said that one ages faster in portraits than in real life, (Have a good trip, Mr. President).

3- “The illusion is not eaten”, -she said. “You don’t eat, but you feed,” replied the colonel.

4- It is a triumph in life that the memory of the old is lost for things that are not essential, (Memory of my sad whores).

5- We have no other world to which we can move.


6- They will return –he said-. Shame has a bad memory, (The bad time).

7- The human body is not made for the years that one could live, (Of love and other demons).

8- The sea will grow with my tears, (The bad hour).

9-… he recalled an old Spanish adage: “May God not give us what we are capable of supporting”, (News of a kidnapping).

10- I feel that I know her less the more I know her, (Of love and other demons).

11- Take care of your heart… you are rotting alive, (One hundred years of solitude).

12- The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting next to them and know that you can never have them.

13- The first symptom of old age is that one begins to look like his father, (Memory of my sad whores).

14- Life is nothing but a succession of opportunities to survive.

15- No place in life is sadder than an empty bed.

16- Just because someone does not love you as you want, it does not mean that they do not love you with all their being.

17- Always remember that the most important thing in a marriage is not happiness but stability, (Love in times of cholera).

Couple hands

18- The secret of a good old age is nothing other than an honest pact with loneliness.

19- Life is the best thing that has been invented.

20- There is no medicine that cures what happiness does not cure, (Of love and other demons).

21- No person deserves your tears, and whoever deserves them will not make you cry.

22- It puzzles me both to think that God exists, as that he does not exist.

23- Love becomes greater and nobler in calamity.

24- Actually, the only moment in life when I feel like being myself is when I’m with my friends.

25- No, I do not wish success to anyone. It happens to you what happens to the mountaineers, who kill themselves to reach the top and when they arrive, what do they do? Get off, or try to get off discreetly, with as much dignity as possible.

26- The memory of the heart eliminates bad memories and magnifies the good ones, and thanks to this artifice, we are able to cope with the past.

27- When a newborn squeezes his father’s finger for the first time with his little fist, he has it trapped forever.

Baby grabbing his father's finger

28- You can only be a person for the world, but for some person you are the world.

29- The problem with marriage is that it ends every night after making love, and you have to rebuild it every morning before breakfast, (Love in times of cholera)

30- Life is not what one lived, but what one remembers, and how one remembers it to tell it.

31- The only thing that hurts me to die is that it is not love, (Love in times of cholera)

32- A man only has the right to look down at another when he has to help him up.

33- Never stop smiling, not even when you’re sad, because you never know who can fall in love with your smile.

34- Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.

35- Wisdom comes to us when it is no longer of any use to us.

Gabriel García Márquez reaches the heart

Each and every one of Gabriel García Márquez’s books leaves a mark, because with each of the previous sentences, profound teachings are evident that urge us to smile, that encourage us to move forward and be better people every day.

With this article that has wanted to pay tribute in some way to this honorable author, we hope that at least one of the phrases of Gabriel García Márquez’s books has marked you. Which one would you choose from all of them?

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