29 Zen Phrases To Live Differently

29 Zen phrases to live differently

Zen philosophy has its origins in the early 1st century AD, when Chinese thought came into contact with the basic principles of Hinduism through Buddhism. Something that has already marked a key moment in our lives.

This philosophy was embraced by Japan, around the year 1200, and cultivated under the name of Zen. From there it was shared around the world reaching our western thought with great force. Its influence and integration into our culture has also come from the hand of great artists like Madonna, and athletes like Tiger Woods, since in their lives they enjoy the benefits of this philosophy when it comes to guiding themselves.

It has also been the case for influential figures in the financial sector, such as the president of  Ford Motor, William Ford and William George, known for sharing and using the  “profitability mantra”.


Zen does not focus on seeking the meaning of life, but it is based on practice, allowing you to help when it comes to overcoming the barriers and difficulties of your person. Zen philosophy aims at teaching based on attention in each moment, concentrating only on the  “here and now .

Lessons from Zen philosophy

Man practicing zen philosophy

Today I will love to share with you the 29 Zen phrases to live differently. Assimilating these phrases will allow you to see life differently and in a positive way, finding answers to many of the questions you may be having.

1. The temptation to give up will be much stronger just before victory.

2. The trick of life is to die young, but as late as possible.

3. Don’t speak unless you can improve the silence.

4. The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.

5. The strong will overcome an obstacle; the sage, all the way.

6. Do not be afraid to delay, be afraid to stop.

7. The happiness of a fool is also foolish.

8. Just because you have stumbled and fallen does not mean that you are going the wrong way.

9. The cabin where you laugh is more comforting than the palace where you get bored.

Friends smiling and putting Zen principles into practice


10. Always look at things from the bright side, if there isn’t, rub the dark sides until they shine.

11. What happens, happens on time.

12. He who points out your flaws is not always your enemy; the one who talks about your virtues is not always your friend.

13. Don’t worry if you don’t know something, worry if you don’t want to learn.

14. The teachers only open the doors for you, the rest of the way you will do it on your own

15. No matter how much the wind blows, the mountain will not bow to it.

16. Live with peace in your soul. The time will come and the flowers will bloom on their own.

Butterfly in a hand symbolizing zen principles

17. There are no friends without flaws; If you look for their defects, you will be left without friends.

18. Misfortune enters through the door that you open for it.

19. Nobody returns from their travels being the same as they were before.

20. Those who are capable of blushing cannot have a black heart.

21. It is better to be a person for a day, than to be a shadow for a thousand days.

22. Your home is where your thoughts are.

23. The person who was able to move the mountain started by moving some small stones.

24. If you make a mistake, it is better to laugh immediately.

25. The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The next best time is today.


Margarita at sunset representing Zen philosophy

26. What determines the state of happiness or unhappiness of each person is not the event itself, but what the event means to that person.

27. Just as parents take care of their children, you should consider the entire universe.

28. The glass is neither half full nor half empty. The glass is simply a glass and its content is perpetually changing with your perception.

29. One thing: you have to walk and create the path by walking ; you will not find a path already made. It is not cheap to achieve the highest realization of the truth. You will have to create the path by walking by yourself; the road is not already made waiting for you. It’s just like the sky: birds fly but leave no footprints. You cannot follow them; there are no footprints behind.

I hope that these phrases allow you to answer many of your doubts, as well as an open mind that always allows us the necessary steps to move forward; in a healthy way and above all filled with the best essence of life, ourselves .

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